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Friday, August 25, 2006

How to Handle Pressure

“It’s just one match, the court dimensions are exactly the same, and it counts the same.”

“the first step is to demystify the grandeur of these events and help them realize that pressure is self-imposed “

Here are some specific guidelines to help you manage competitive pressure more effectively in tennis:

  • Play out many different kinds of points in practice. Training sessions should be as realistic as possible, with lots of competitive opportunities that mirror what might happen in the upcoming match. It is never possible to completely simulate center court at Wimbledon, but why not try?
  • Do not allow your coach or practice partner to camp in one place on the court and feed balls all day. This is not tennis, and only ensures that you will look great in lessons and practice. It does little for your pressure management skills when the opponent will not cooperate like your coach.
  • Play as many tournaments as you can to gain necessary experience in a competitive pressure environment. The only way to really learn to thrive on pressure is to experience it full force. There is no substitute for the real deal.
  • Believe in yourself when the going gets roughest. Nervous energy is a natural part of the game. Trust your preparation, stay focused, and hang in there to win the internal battle. Interpret the excitement in tight situations as part of the test that makes you stronger in the future. What doesn’t kill you improves you.
  • Welcome the uncertainty of competition as one of the most thrilling parts of the game. It never gets boring when you have a good struggle on your hands. Your ability to cope in adversity encourages creativity. Find joy in the struggle, and pressure will be an ally rather than foe.

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