Playing in the wind is one of the toughest challenges you can face as a tennis player. Nearly every aspect of your game has to be adjusted, and shots that are normally automatic have to be played with care and consideration. But you can lessen the challenge by doing a couple of things. First, you need to gear your ground strokes for consistency. Place more of an emphasis on spin and less on power. On really windy days, there is a huge premium on just getting your shots into play and forcing your opponent to deal with the incoming ball—every time you clear the net, you've won a small victory.
Also, adjust your offense to take the direction of the wind into account. When the wind is in your face, try approaching the net as much as you can. Slice approaches often die when hit into the wind. Be sure and close in a step tighter to the net than you normally do because it is very difficult for your opponent to lob with the wind at his back. When the wind is at your back your strokes will pick up pace so be on the lookout for short replies that you can attack.
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