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Saturday, August 25, 2007

Two tips for better doubles

Bounce for better poaches: If you are going to poach a service return, start to move when the served ball bounces. At that point, your opponent will have his or her racquet back in preparation for a return. Move at an angle simultaneously toward the ball and toward the net for an easy volley. And don’t forget to let your partner know you are going to poach before the point starts!

Mirror your opponents: If both of your opponents are closing in to the net, mirror that image and close in as well. If an opponent backs up behind the baseline for a shot, then you and your partner should mirror that movement and back up toward the service line in anticipation of a lob. If the opponents move to one side of the court to reach a shot, you and your partner should follow and sway with the movement of the ball. If you keep moving with your opponents, you’ll be in position to win the match.

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